There are many ways individuals get from place to place on a daily basis. Some of these modes of travel are more dangerous than others.
Believe it or not, walking may actually be one of the most dangerous.
Pedestrian are at greater risk of being injured or killed in an accident. Seniors (age 65 and above) accounted for 19% of all pedestrian deaths and an estimated 13% of all pedestrians injured in 2013, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
Below are some of the various reasons pedestrians are commonly injured or killed. Oftentimes, the accident could have easily been avoided.
- Alcohol. The Governors Highway Safety Association reports that 15 percent of pedestrians killed each year are hit by a drunk driver, and 34 percent of pedestrians killed are legally drunk themselves. One-third of all pedestrians killed in traffic accidents had a blood-alcohol (BAC) level above the .08 threshold for drunk driving.
- Distracted drivers or pedestrians. Not only should you not text and drive, but texting and walking can be incredibly hazardous to your life. Many pedestrians have lost their lives by not paying attention, instead distracted by texting and talking on the cell phone.
- Speeding. Drivers going too fast is a big problem. Pedestrians must do all they can to pay attention to the drivers around you, but ultimately the fault lies with the driver.
- Dark clothing. An overwhelming number of pedestrian accidents occur at night and involve walkers wearing dark clothing. Wear reflective clothing so that drivers are able to see you easily.
There are many reasons pedestrians can become injured while walking. The best advice is to pay attention to your surroundings and focus on walking rather than your phone.